Castles in Massachusetts

If you want to find Castles in Massachusetts you're on the right page of the right website.  Castlesy is the online home of everything to do with American castles to visit, stay in, rent, hold an event in or get married in.  We also write about the occasional private castle (i.e. someone's home) but if only if that information is already in the public domain and, preferably, if it's a landmark property.


Our main reason for being here is to help folks just like us, who love everything about castles in the USA and Canada and want to discover them online – probably before going to visit them in person.


Whilst we've done our best to find you all of the chateaux, castles and towers in Massachussetts (and the rest of North America), maybe you know of one which isn't on this website.  If so, please let us know here and we'll make sure it's added to the site promptly.


Happy Castle Hunting and let us know which one is your favourite.